Top View Communication

Gulliver trade center has presented renewed visual communication, that was created by our agency. During the work there was created new idea, that facilitates report of brand context message.

Gulliver, one of the biggest trade centers of the capital, has set up for the agency a task of developing of visual part of communication system. It must consider diversity and independence of advertising campaigns content with saving of complete idea of its own brand.

As a result of work, our agency has created a complete guidebook. Main visual part of communication became simple for perception geometrical ideas, which simply transform under different formats and advertising carriers. With all this, they allow to mix different messages, communicate with different audience without losing its individuality. For example, to mix on one image Gulliver brand and Subaru brand, with right situated accents.

Team members

  • Eugene MyroniukFounding Partner, Strategic DirectorBrain Tank
  • Andrii FranchukFounding Partner, Group Creative Director Brain Tank
  • Inna GrinchukClient Service Director Brain Tank
  • Oleksandra TrachukArt Director Brain Tank
  • Stanislav NizamovArt Director Brain Tank
  • Olexandr TrytynychenkoArt DirectorRoyal Advertising

Team members

How Brain Tank works?

Full-service operation marketing outsourcing

Brain Tank is well up the daily maintenance of medium and long marketing cycles for successful companies

Brand Development & Strategic Marketing

Complex approach to communications at the brand level

Creative Execution & Production

Realization of separate advertising campaigns
