The Secret of Successful Co-Branding: How and Why Kennedy Called Himself a Donut

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Can you imagine the connection between co-branding and John F. Kennedy's “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech?

This story is a perfect example of how co-branding can be the key to business success.

When you hear the phrase “Ich bin ein Berliner,” the first thing that probably comes to mind is a speech by the US president. But did you know that this speech is also one of the most striking examples of co-branding?

In this article, Eugene Myroniuk not only reveals the secrets of co-branding, but also makes a significant contribution to your approach to business. But is it really that simple? Perhaps, under what he shares, there is another secret that will change your perception of strategic partnership? Let's explore this mystery together and see what can change in your business with this discovery.

Read the article at MIND
