12 gnome for peat

Rozhnyativ Torf is a company involved in peat extraction, which is a valuable resource in various industries.

We have never dealt with creating identity for such a business before. However, instead of seeing it as a challenge, we saw it as an opportunity to explore new possibilities. Thus, our experiments began. Putting ourselves in the shoes of consumers, we answered the question of "how it should look" on our own.

Who are the Gnomes and How Did They Come About?

We explored numerous options for a potential logo, from more conservative to unconventional ideas, imbued with meaning relevant to this industry. Consequently, our final creative decision was to create a brand hero — the Gnome.

Why the Gnome?

We shattered the conventional belief that "serious and heavy" industries cannot have cool and unique identities by giving this product a vivid and apt image that will certainly stand out among its competitors. After all, every "yield," regardless of its nature or industry, deserves stylish visualization.

 Identity Colors

We chose green as the primary color for the identity, as it perfectly emphasizes naturalness. The additional color is red-brown, visually reminiscent of the natural resource — peat.

Identity Pattern

We based the pattern on topographic lines of maps, reminiscent of the earth's relief. Once again, a direct reference to the brand's product — peat.


We believe that every business can be interesting, regardless of its identity — whether it is a peat extraction enterprise or a luxury clothing brand. The key is to look at it through the eyes of the consumer, who seeks innovative, intriguing, and vibrant solutions, as in our case, in brand formation.

What's the Connection with a Chameleon?

The chameleon is an allegorical representation of our activity. By mimicking the consumer's philosophy, we literally take on his role, fully understanding all his real insights, which help us make any of our clients' products successful.

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How Brain Tank works?

Full-service operation marketing outsourcing

Brain Tank is well up the daily maintenance of medium and long marketing cycles for successful companies

Brand Development & Strategic Marketing

Complex approach to communications at the brand level

Creative Execution & Production

Realization of separate advertising campaigns
